I, like a lot of other people in Somervell County, cannot understand why a person who has been indicted for theft and on probation is working in payroll in Somervell County. And it’s especially egregious because Danny Chambers and the commissioners know this is so. Payroll Clerk Cindy Richardson had her probation moved to Somervell County at some point in the past; the felony theft crime occurred in Tarrant County.
Before you read these parts of her criminal file, which is available through Texas open records, why is this woman still working in payroll? You may or may not agree with me that people who commit crimes, do their probation, etc should not be held accountable for the rest of their lives, but at the same time, if someone has a record that includes felony theft, should that person REALLY be put in charge of payroll, with access to all types of sensitive information? She was apparently put in charge ALSO of Human Resources at some point which is additional personal information, although she was removed from that position recently (and made quite a stink in commissioners court when the commissioners voted to create a new HR department and hire for it). Texas is a right to work state so there doesn’t even have to be a reason to fire her, but maybe a job that involves not having access to payroll data would be in order? And why, since it is extremely apparent that Judge Danny Chambers and all of the commissioners, as well as the County Attorney, know this about her background, is she still in that role? That makes it dependent on her supervisor to have an especially watchful eye to make sure she is honest, but wouldn’t it be better for Gray to be in a position, if in county government at all, that has no access to employee information?

Here is the grand jury indictment from January 17 2013.
“Money of the value of $20,000 or more but less than $100,000 with intent to deprive the owner, R … S…, of the property and all of the said property was obtained pursuant to one scheme or continuing course of conduct which began on or about the 1st day of April 2011 and continued until on or about the 29th day of March 2012 ”
So, about a year.

Executive Summary. You can see that in 2012 Johnson Controls personnel started to question the credit card charges. One person had allowed Cindy Gray (Richardson) to use the card and to explain the charges. Notice some things here: First, she lied and tried to minimize what she did and told “Mike” that she
“accidentally used the wrong card for her personal fuel”.
She then went on to say, in an email she sent after that conversation.
After looking at Mike statement email, it looks like I am responsible for about of personal charges. I do Apologize and very sorry for my mistake I’ve caused. I have left my computer at the office as well as may (sic) badge. If at all possible, please keep this a quiet matter since my father is about to sign the PSA contract”
Was this just an oopsie over an accidental one time purchase of fuel? Nope. Some of the spend includes: Payments made to James Wood, a local car dealership, apparently for car payments; Office Depot and Staples for VISA gift cards rather than office supplies; Brookshires for grocery and household items, meat, body wash, lotion, etc.
Once she was shown the credit card statement, she left her computer, deactivated her cell phone and defriended people from work on Facebook.

The list of charges, above, was only *some*. Here are the rest in this part of the detailed report, which includes $4,833.67 for her silver KIA car, 44 occasions purchasing fuel totalling $1442.05, 31 times buying stuff at Brookshires in Glen Rose ($2,195.78), the gift cards, etc mentioned above, 20 times shopping at Walmart in Granbury ($2,207,84), paying her TXU Electric Bill $642.56 and Direct TV ($184.64). Also, Target, Garden Ridge, Academy Sports, Blockbuster and, hah, even paying for a background check on Everifile.
At the time this happened, her full history was pulled up which revealed a criminal history as well as, AT THAT TIME, multiple misdemeanor active warrants out of Frisco, TX.
Johnson Controls apparently did not know where she was, so a private investigator was hired and that person found her, along with the silver KIA.

Notice the comment below that says
“fraud of this magnitude should have been caught prior to reaching that level’

After she was caught, here’s Gray’s responsibility comment in 2012 regarding improper use of the company credit card which she used for personal purchases totaling about $25,000 from 4/1/2011 -4/2012.

Interesting to me to see what “Mike” said about these credit card charges. Seems like in so many instances, people just up and trust others to do the right thing, even if they are being conned.But, again, maybe don’t put these type of people in positions involving money and employee information.

Her probation was transferred to Somervell County.