The last time there was a meeting of TXDOT to discuss SH 144 in Glen Rose was in May 2023 I do not see any updates on the TXDOT site so I assume this is still the plan for whenever they actually finalize the project and start it.

Apparently the City of Glen Rose, on their town council meeting of Dec 12, 2023, voted to prohibit trucks from coming through downtown. One assumes they did not check with TxDOT first to see if that was legal, especially since the road coming into downtown is a state highway.

  1. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding an Ordinance amending the City of Glen Rose
    Code of Ordinances, Article 12.05 Truck Routes
    Troy Hill, City Administrator, presented the item to Council. He explained that he felt the trucks coming into town on Texas 144 was detrimental to automobile traffic and could be dangerous. He stated that after speaking with other cities, he felt that prohibiting trucks would be beneficial to the downtown area.
    MOTION by Demetra Conrad, second by TJ Walker to adopt Ordinance No. 2023.12.12.A amending Article 12.05 Truck Routes. MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote. Candace Scholz was absent during the vote

This article from WFAA discusses more of this

Alongside the city council and city administrator Troy Hill, he’s (Joe Boles) been advocating for an alternate truck route, but they say the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has told them their ordinance establishing one is “not acceptable.” 

“It is not a safe occurrence having trucks in a downtown square like this,” Hill said. “Our shop owners want to have the doors open, they want a welcoming type atmosphere. We can’t do it today because of the trucks.”

In a statement to WFAA, TxDOT said it is continuing to work with Glen Rose to expedite their request for an alternate truck route. 

“The steps that need to be taken, as well as an overview of the process and examples, have been shared with the city numerous times in varying formats including multiple in-person meetings and email communications,” a spokesperson said. 

Guessing from this that after the City passed that ordinance, THEN they checked with TxDot which entity told them they can’t do that. I guess Joe Boles will just have to wait, like the rest of us, for the bypass.

By salon

SCS-Somervell County Salon has been a news/opinion site for years. Owned and run by local Somervell resident female who goes by the name of Salon online.See ABOUT

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