January 22, 2025

Lots of stuff, 9:30 am

Here is the agenda

1.Discuss/take action to update the Order Restricting Outdoor Burning.
2.Discuss/take action to approve Morrison Park Addition replat of Lot 6.
3.Discuss/take action to replace failing septic at the Somervell County Squaw Valley Golf Course.
4.Discuss/take action to purchase Top Dresser for Somervell County Squaw Valley Golf Course.
5.Discuss/take action pertaining to expenses for equipment for jurors for the District Clerk’s Office.
6.Discuss/take action on expenses pertaining to Somervell County Sheriff’s Office.
7.Discuss/take action to purchase side-by-side ATV for Somervell County Sheriff’s Office with donated funds.
8.Discuss/take action pertaining to contract extension for Southern Healthcare Partner for the Somervell County Jail.
9.Discuss/take action pertaining to the 2024-2025 SRO Contract with GRISD.
a.SRO Contract Pay
10.Discuss/take action to purchase and install additional shutters for the Somervell County Jail in the amount of $7,560.00, taken from Building Maintenance Fund.
11.Discuss/take action to review and update policies pertaining to Somervell County fire department.
12.Discuss/take action on purchasing fire fighting equipment for the Somervell County Fire Department.
13.Discuss/take action to replace engine on Fire Rescue Boat.
14.Discuss/take action to receive donation for the Somervell County Fire Department.
15.Discuss/take action to receive and open bids pertaining to shavings & asphalt.
16.Discuss/take action on shavings bids and asphalt bids.
17.Open and receive any and all offers pertaining to Somervell County properties listed with Realtor of Record.
18.Discuss/take action pertaining to contract between Somervell County Treasurer and Marc Kaiser on an as needed basis.
a.Consulting Agreement
19.Discuss/take action pertaining to request for Deputy Treasurer Position, to be paid from the payroll budget.
a.Request for Deputy Treasurer Position
20.Approve Treasurer’s Financial Report.
21.Approve Budget Transfers.
22.Pay County Bills.
23.EXECUTIVE SESSION: Deliberation regarding contract being negotiated. After having convened in open session, the Commissioners Court will retire into Executive Session, pursuant to the provisions of Section 551.0725 of the Texas Government Code.
24.Take Action on Executive Session.
25.Executive Session: Personnel Matters. After having convened in open session, the Commissioners Court will retire into Executive Session, pursuant to the provisions of Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code in order to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
26.Take Action on Executive Session.
27.Adjourn meeting.

One of the attachments in this packet is for the Treasurer to get a Deputy Treasurer in her department, using the budget allocation that was for payroll, moved into the treasury dept.

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