Was sent this, because otherwise, while I care that Somervell County gets a good deal in selling the Texas Amphitheatre, I don’t care about the Promise, run by a group that includes a board president, Jonathan Stickland, who associates with a neo-Nazi, Nick Fuentes. I am, however, all for Somervell County getting citizens a good deal for the property.
I went to the Somervell County Commissioners Court and have video of the action taken after executive session to sell the amphitheatre to a group called A J Enterprises. (see top page of contract on that link)
I notice this promise blurb sounds like they had no idea that the property was being sold and god didn’t make them the winner. Clearly god didn’t think having the Promise own the property at a low price was the *best outcome*. What, do you mean all those prayers had no effect? Could god have something against right-wingers and neo-Nazis?
I wonder when job postings will amphitheater. One of the key factors in the selling to new owners is the fact that they would bring new jobs to the community. I heard their take over date for The Texas Amphitheater is early February, yet there has been no news on job postings. I hope that this works out for our county.