September 10, 2024
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Tourists who come to Fossil Rim pose a certain kind of danger to not only other visiting tourists but to people who live in the area, around county road 2008 and even Highway 67 when they decide to stop on the road for whatever reason. Wrote about this in 2019. Even before this, in 2017, asked for a stop sign at Fossil Rim on THEIR side of the road, and then-commissioner John Curtis did that, as well as had a sign put up warning people near 67 about the speeds changing.

My theory is that people who visit Fossil Rim are in kind of a fugue state after leaving and maybe even think that the county road is still part of the Fossil Rim road since there is a buffalo herd in front, as well as a fancy rock sign at the intersection of CR 2008 and Hwy 67 (although that is NOT the entrance to Fossil Rim) Not sure but what does happen with some frequency is that people will stop in the middle of the road, sometimes right before 2 hills in which it is difficulty to see ongoing traffic or pull over on the side, where there is no shoulder room to do so. If someone is following a person, especially right before the hills, that decides to stop on the side, it’s difficult to avoid hitting that car and endangering safety and lives.

Which is why, earlier this year, I asked Wade Busch in April 2024 if he could get a sign put on 2008 that basically tells people not to stop on the hill or by the side of the road right there, if possible. (I had discussed this with 2 different commissioners in detail about where this could be). He, in turn, forwarded the request to Richard Talavera. There appeared a road sign sometime soon after that but it was by the Ward Branch cemetery and not in the spots I had asked for. My other half in turn asked Richard again about it a few weeks later, and what was pretty cool is that the Road Barn guy (I think his name was John? John Nelson, who is the road foreman? ) came out to our house to confirm where the signs would be.

So now there are 3 signs on CR 2008, before both hills that are the first hills you come to when you turn off Hwy 67 going to Fossil Rim. The signs say “No Parking on Pavement”. They are on both sides of the road, ie, either facing traffic as it comes from 67 and also going towards Hwy 67.

I greatly appreciate and want to thank Richard, Wade and the Road Barn (I’m going to say John Nelson but if it was not him, please send me a message at and I will fix) for being attentive and responsive to county citizens. Should be no surprise to readers that my favorite government group here is the county commissioners, who do a great job. I also shout out to the road barn people, who are the ones that you see on the roads mowing or trimming trees, etc. We are lucky to have them all.

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