So, hah, Trump was scared to debate Kamala Harris and kept making up excuses to avoid it. Everybody knows that the ones agreed to before were agreed to WITH NEGOTIATION with the Biden campaign, ie, no audience, etc. Harris has been pounding him about his cowardice including saying the other day about his slurs “Say it to my face”.
Apparently last night on his failing social media platform, he posted something that, to a non-careful reader, make it look like Harris agreed to cancel the ABC debate AND to agree to have a debate with him, with a full audience, on Fox News. Hah, another indication of how desperate he is to avoid a debate since the way it looked was like a Trump rally and WHO, besides a kook, would want to show up there?
Let’s look at what Trump posted
See anything missing? Like an agreement between him and Kamala Harris? Oh, no it’s just LIAR Donald Trump making chit up with his favorite sycophant Fox News, who he wishes would host a debate but is not one of the *news* sources that were agreed to. ie, NO SIGNED AGREEMENT and hah, with a full arena audience (the way Trump likes it, hah, and I’ll bet if there was a new agreement and this was not imaginary, there would be fact-checking DURING the debate!. So, he’s just making that up.
Also, how did he get to be president or even a failed businessman, as he is, without understanding contracts? You can’t just up and decide to cancel a contract without the consent of the other party(ies) Geez, maybe this is why he’s had to declare so many bankruptcies.
Also consider the timing of this. Trump and Biden signed an agreement with terms in May 2024. But when did he sue George Stephanapoulos for calling him a rapist (which the judge said was correct) in March 2024, two months before the debate agreement signed, but whoops all of a sudden when Harris is calling him out for being a coward, he says there is a conflict of interest. hahah, right.
The NY Times fell for this sucker bait (one reason I no longer subscribe to it)
Looks to me like chicken liar Trump was trying to bully Harris into a debate by making up a fake one and posting about it. Harris did not take the bait
Well, he IS an old man, probably confused