I’ve been, as readers know, thinking about this whole issue of what kind of person citizens support to be president of the United States. I don’t expect perfection, but I do expect that serious people who are patriotic, treat people with respect, don’t seek to divide Americans, and maybe even attempt to be better than the average shmo. I also have given up on so-called *christians* who want to pretend to be good people while either actively supporting Trump and Republicans or at least will not stand up for right. And I’ve been pondering, as I do periodically, whether I want to associate with known Republicans at all. I suppose I am dividing myself against others who don’t have what I consider for myself to be a good value system, but again, I expect a leader of the country to rise above what others might think of as petty, not be a bully, call out violence instead of advocating for it, not call other human beings animal on the basis of factors like immigration, not call for opponents to be prosecuted and not call opponents, essentially, retarded.
I liked this article which explains that maybe some people know better but just don’t want to get involved.
Once again, decency is on the ballot.Most of us know what’s right and what’s wrong.
There are still so many of us out there, like all of you reading this right now, for whom this is not acceptable. This is not ok. Folks who know that the only way we can defeat that kind of ugliness is to deal with it directly. To call it out. To confront it. To stand up and say something. Even if it’s uncomfortable. Especially when it is.
And I think a lot of the people who stay silent in the face of the never-ending stream of sickness that spews out of Trump’s mouth are like that guy at the game who watched in silence while rooting for me at the same time.
So, I want to appeal to them in this moment. I don’t want to demand that they stand up and speak out. I don’t expect them to. But I do want to ask them to remember how it makes them feel to watch him bully the disabled. Watch him mock those who stutter. I do want to ask them to tap into that part of who they are which still fundamentally knows right from wrong.
Plenty of us will do the standing up and the calling out. Plenty of us will get involved.
But we still really, really need for those people who silently cheer for us… and to vote.
To vote for decency.
To vote for the woman who is being bullied by an extremely damaged human being. To vote for the woman who has and will continue to, be the one who stands up and speaks out.
We don’t have to accept this. We don’t have to accept him.
It’s not like Republicans do not know who and what Trump is. Just this weekend
- Trump called Kamala Harris “mentally disabled”. Come on. Are there stooge Trump supporters who believe this or, more importantly, think this is an acceptable level of discourse? Ugh
- Wants to have a day (Purge-like, eh?) of the police committing violence on people. (Incidentally, violent crime declined in 2023- but Trump wants to commit violence to people without due process, by cops.
Or as Digby put it A Little Kristallnacht To Fix Things Up
- Trump called immigrants *animals” AND he makes no distinction for immigrants that are here legally.
- Trump brags on how he doesn’t pay workers overtime “I wouldn’t pay” Scab Says What?
In the past, this trash person has
- Trump has made fun of Joe Biden’s stutter
- Trump has made fun of John McCain’s arm injury and mocked his military service
- Trump made fun of a reporter’s congenital joint condition. (In fact, this is one of the first things Trump did when he first an and it was disgusting then. Imagine if YOU are disabled or have a disabled family member. Trump did, his nephew’s son and told nephew he should let his disabled son die)
His VP pick makes fun of women who do not have natural children as lesser, says that they should have to pay additional taxes, have no real value system. He also has, as a *value* system, that women should stay with abusive husbands. Other Republicans (men, I might add) trash women who are past child bearing age and indicate those women’s opinions on abortion and other real women’s health issues don’t matter.
So if you support Trump, I have to assume that you have no threshold bottom, condone racism, lying and bullying of people about disabilities, as well as call competent women *mentally disabled*. In other words, you *like* Trump for the creep that he is. You are, in my book, on the wrong side of morality. Now, you may think you can just ignore that the Republican party has decided to put such a man forward to lead the country or at least not speak up about it, but by your joining with the Republican party, you are showing your own character and lack of decency. I can only assume people who support Trump and the Republican party have no shame or allow selfish considerations to allow them to avert their eyes and pretend Trump is somehow a fit candidate.
Not me and I’m at the point where I no longer want to associate with Trump and Republican party supporters at all. Let them all marinate in racism, bigotry, and misogyny together but I walk away. In society, I believe there should be a modicum of good manners but that does not include condoning racism and hatred.