Every time Donald Trump has invoked Hitler and the Nazis
I realize that there may not be many people still living of the generation that went to World War II to fight the Nazis. However, it used to be, collectively, that patriotic Americans were solidly against the Nazis and what happened with the mass murders of people by Hitler. During my lifetime, there have been pockets of kooks, like white supremacists, the KKK and now Trump, who have lauded and admired Hitler, but the majority of good people shunned and spoke against such ones as aberrations in a just society. To me, this is not even open to debate and one of the many reasons Trump is a disturbed bigot that goes beyond the common garden variety type of bigot and certainly should never be in a position of power over a country
In the last week, I saw a couple of documentaries on American PBS about Warsaw, Poland, and the ghettos, about how Hitler rounded up Jews from their homes and put them into a particular location (the ghetto) and then sometime later murdered them either in place or by shipping them off to concentration camps and gas chambers.
No human being is perfect, but shouldn’t they TRY to be? Isn’t there ANY red line regarding people who have good things to say about Hitler that should cause moral and ethical people to turn away in horror?