Update: Which govt entity is responsible to approve exhibits on the courthouse lawn?

Someone anonymously sent me this pic from Facebook, which I am not on, about the Glen Rose CVB person soliciting someone to build a nativity for a government sponsored event, Christmas Town. The flyer for Christmas Town shows that this is one of the features of the event.

The flyer certainly shows that the City of Glen Rose would become quite charming and no one can be against strolling around in a holiday wonderland, as it’s proposed to be. To be clear that Somervell County govt entity has the old courthouse square lawn and the City of Glen Rose has the parking around it. In order for any entity to use the courthouse square for an event, the first step is to go to Kelly Harris of Somervell County, get a permit and pay the permit fee. Somervell County otherwise has nothing to do with this event, it is put on by the City of Glen Rose who, again, have arranged to basically lease the courthouse grounds for specific events such as “Santa in the Gazebo”. The City also went to Commissioners Court and asked for a split in the cost of installing lighting for the trees, but this was not specifically for this event, but for any future events for the year. I would assume but do not know, that the Giant Santa Sleigh, Giant Inflatable Snowglobe and the Nativity Scene would be on the courthouse lawn but maybe they would be in the closed off streets. This flyer doesn’t mention the tree-lighting ceremony planned for late November but also seems like it would be on the courthouse lawn, not city property. (Doesn’t seem like the City arranged to get permits for this event and maybe also not the parade).

I address here the idea of putting a religious nativity on the courthouse lawn. Surely there is no one that does not know that Christmas is not a strictly christian holiday and even if it was, it would be inappropriate and unconstitutional for a government to put on a blatantly religious event that was one sided in favor of one partisan religion. In fact, courts have ruled that there’s nothing wrong with putting up a nativity if government wants to do that, but they must allow a broad range of private groups to put up expressive signs and exhibits. To not allow this and invite others is to engage in viewpoint discrimination. If you want to see an example of a govt entity exercising viewpoint discrimination and losing in court, see FFFT vs Abbott (Greg Abbott) in an instance where Abbott attempted to prevent a display showing the bill of rights in a creche. Note that ultimately Govt Abbott and Texas paid FFRF’s attorney fees. This means that you and I paid court fees for what really was an unnecessary and discriminatory action taken by Abbott.

There are people who do or do not celebrate christmas, sometimes because of being a different religion, or no religion. On the celebration side, there is no requirement that only christians who celebrate as a matter of religious belief can do it . In the US, citizens get the day off as a federal holiday, to do as they wish. Others know that both christmas and the winter solstice were celebrated on the same day, ie, Winter Soltice is the reason for the season. For all intents and purposes, christmas has become a secular holiday that includes secular things like Santa, an evergreen tree, elves, etc.

Dlott acknowledged that the holiday has undeniable religious origins, but the modern practice has secular elements as well. However, by recognizing the day as a federal holiday, she said “the Government is merely acknowledging the secular cultural aspects of Christmas.”

While she did not go this far, Dlott cited some judges who believe that because Christmas has lost its religious meaning for many, the holiday has only “a trivial effect in promoting religion.” In other words, the celebration of Christmas is increasingly nonreligious, therefore of less First Amendment concern.

This attitude is reflected in public views. A 2019 Gallup poll showed that only 35% of Americans celebrate Christmas in a “strongly religious” way (compared to 50% in 2010). On the other hand, 32% of Americans celebrate Christmas in a “somewhat religious” way and 26% celebrate Christmas in a “not too religious” way.

And this Christmas Town event has lots of secular events and displays.

I had also heard, but have not confirmed, that sectarian prayers will be said at the parade and/or tree lighting ceremony, thus putting a specific partisan spin on the event.

Notice that a post on FB regarding the Nativity Scene says to “admire the beautiful display on the courthouse lawn reminding us all of the True Meaning of Christmas”

Um. What IS the “True Meaning of Christmas”? Who decides, why is the government promoting this, and since the True Meaning if Christmas is tied to a nativity scene by somebody (Rita?) does that mean that anyone that does not agree that the holiday is a religious one celebrated only christians is the True Way to View? According to the article I referenced above,

Government cannot comment on the religious meaning of a holiday. As noted in a similar court case, the government may say “Merry Christmas!” but not “We rejoice in the glory of Christ’s birth!” The first statement acknowledges the religious beliefs of many individuals. The second declares Jesus to be the Messiah, a uniquely Christian belief.

When I heard that a nativity scene was going to be put on the Somervell County courthouse lawn, I wondered how I could get a display put up also for Christmas Town. I asked Rita of the CVB about it first, and she explained that she is not in charge of the events being done, although seeing the facebook post asking for someone to build a nativity for putting on the lawn shows that she at least knew and encouraged that. She told me to ask the mayor, Joe Boles. So I did. I went to the City of Glen Rose site and used an email form to ask him about how I could participate. When he replied to me, he included ccing all the City council people; when I replied back I included Danny Chambers, since Boles was saying the nativity was not under his control, but the County’s. Seems disingenuous to me, but maybe Boles honestly is ignorant on how events and permits work.

City of Glen Rose may not care that they will be seen as bigoted and non-inclusive by putting a nativity display on the courthouse lawn without other viewpoint neutral displays. The key to this will be to see what response they give me as someone that wants to legally and constitutionally put up a display sign as well. And they may not care that this attitude invites potential lawsuits. If this were a private parade or an event run by private entities, including churches, or they chose to arrange with a church such as FMC across the street from Town Hall, for the nativity scene, that would be one thing, but this is a government entity in which the government, because we are Americans, is supposed to be for everyone, regardless of their religious faiths or secular beliefs

By salon

SCS-Somervell County Salon has been a news/opinion site for years. Owned and run by local Somervell resident female who goes by the name of Salon online.See ABOUT https://scsalon.org/bl/index.php/about-scs/

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