Wrote the other day about the deadbeats at City of Glen Rose who did not bother to get permits for two events, Christmas Town and the parade. I was told anecdotally that the City didn’t think it HAD to get permits.

Today I was at City of Glen Rose for something else and saw this flyer on the desk in the foyer. Ain’t it funny, anyone that wants to use the Farmer’s Market which is the parking around Somervell County’s square has to get a permit for the Christmas Town event

Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue

By salon

SCS-Somervell County Salon has been a news/opinion site for years. Owned and run by local Somervell resident female who goes by the name of Salon online.See ABOUT https://scsalon.org/bl/index.php/about-scs/

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