January 22, 2025

To repeat how I have been feeling for the past couple of months, I have been shocked that United States citizens elected a felon, with a civil sexual assault case he lost as well as fraud, that is Donald Trump. I have pretty much gotten rid of, in my own viewing habits, most sites that talk about him at all because it’s like being surrounded by piles of excrement and I want to be above it, at least in my own personal values and life. I guess that makes me sound like I think I am better than a Trump voter. Well, that’s right, I do. And I consider myself a better American than any person that voted for lawless creep Trump. What I don’t want to do is pay attention to him for the next 4 years, beyond a cursory glance, in the same way that when I see a half-eaten mouse on the patio that my cat has hunted, I move it out of my sight, not keep looking at it. Along that line, I’m not putting any pics of Trump with any post that I do about his lawsuits, as he’s not only ethically disgusting but gross looking. My sister told me she is not going to watch the news anymore and told her husband to only let her know if WWIII is starting. Most people in my family and circle have stepped away from reading corporate media, have curated what they do want to watch and read and are leaving the sycophants behind. It is, in short, exhausting, to pay any type of honest attention to a felon and a liar and I’m done doing it except, as mentioned, to see what ultimately happens with Trump’s attempts to get his cases, some of which he has already been judged over, like the civil case he lost being a sexual assaulter.

When Barack Obama was president, one of the local ministers told me that he had suffered and put up with Obama as president, and I would put up with Trump. Yes, I have to but I don’t have to pay attention in any detail as he looks to pack his upcoming administration with low lifes, thieves, con men, and criminals.

Continues to stump me why any white christian voted for him. This from Yahoo News explains a part of it (The 7 mountains talked about below is part of christian nationalist, such as cult church Stonewater in this area, believes)

Trump’s White Christian voters are the base of his support. He would not have been elected without them. Professor Ryan Burge, an associate professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University, told The Salt Lake Tribune, “It’s hard to overcome the white God gap…in a place like Pennsylvania or Michigan and Wisconsin.” White Christians are now literally and metaphorically Trump’s biblical “arrows” and “armor.” For example, on Jan. 6 White Christian extremists were in the vanguard of the attack on the Capitol and attempt to end America’s multiracial pluralistic democracy. Christian extremists also play a central role in the right-wing paramilitary and “militia” movement more broadly. Research by Robert P. Jones of PRRI shows that White Christians (specifically, members of the White Christian Right and Christian Nationalists) are more likely to be authoritarian and to endorse the use of political violence than are other Americans.

Given his behavior and values, many in the mainstream news media remain perplexed by Trump’s popularity among White Christians. After over eight years and Trump’s imminent return to the White House, this response is now mostly performative; an act of willful ignorance and denial. Ultimately, the explanation is basic and the root of politics and power: Trump has promised and is giving White Christians what they want, and in return, they are supporting him.

Trump wants unlimited power. White Christians (especially the Christian Right and Christian Nationalists) want the power to control what they describe as the “7 Mountains” or spheres of society: religion, government, family, education, media, business and arts and entertainment. They seek to impose their theocratic vision on the United States and its people. Trump did not seduce or trick White Christians into supporting him and the MAGA movement. It was a mutual agreement based on shared interests…..

Today’s White Christian Nationalists are very extreme and emboldened by Trump. They see women in power and they want to subjugate them. They see gay people living their lives and being happy and they want to take that away. It is a personal offense to them. Gay people — especially transgender people — should not exist in the world that these Christian Nationalists want to create. They hold up the Bible as proof that transgender people are some sort of violation of God’s Will. The Christian Right sees Trump as a way of imposing power over all of American society and life. Many of their leaders truly believe that God has sent Trump to them. Trump is a way for the Christian Nationalists to create their version of America — white male-dominated and controlled by people like them. As we saw on Jan. 6, there is a very militant, violent and dangerous component to Christian Nationalism in the Age of Trump, where they are willing to do whatever it takes to get and keep power. They believe they are in a type of holy war against satanic forces, which they equate with “the left,” and that Trump is a tool of prophecy.

The one good thing is that Trump’s win is not a mandate and more than 50 percent of votes cast were not for Trump, which tells me most people did not want Trump as president From CFR.ORG

Indeed, by historical standards Trump’s victory is unimpressive. Consider the following: His margin of victory in the popular vote—which will be at most 1.6 percentage points when all the votes are counted—is the fifth smallest of the thirty-two presidential races held since 1900. More people in 2024 voted for a candidate not named Trump than did. A shift of roughly 235,000 votes in the right combination in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin would have elected Harris. And while Trump increased his vote total by 2.7 million in 2024 compared to 2020, he still fell more than four million short of the number that Biden won four years ago. ….

Beyond that, Trump won primarily because the election was a referendum on the Biden-Harris administration—a framing that the Trump campaign team worked hard to establish. Voters did not necessarily embrace Trump or his policy agenda, which left most details to the imagination. Election exit polls found that he had a favorability rating of just 48 percent. Forty-four percent of voters had a very unfavorable view, suggesting that he has a limited political upside.  

Trump is also inheriting a robust economy, even if many voters think otherwise. That economic success is easier to derail than it is to sustain. Trump’s plans for mass deportations, tariffs, and massive deficit spending could send the economy into reverse. Election 2024 showed that American politics has at least one iron law: Voters punish the governing party when they believe the economy is faltering. 

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