Trump’s Grifterville Truth Social SPAC: RISKS to the SPAC related to Donald Trump
I heard of the SEC filing that the people who invested in this SPAC had to file, which includes necessary portions Trump’s lawyers had to fill out to be public.…
I heard of the SEC filing that the people who invested in this SPAC had to file, which includes necessary portions Trump’s lawyers had to fill out to be public.…
This made me laugh. There was a court case that the Supreme Court declined to hear that was about a jury trial in which the person who brought the civil…
Out of the weird religious nuttery comes this decision from the Alabama Supreme Court. Friendly atheist Some parents undergoing in vitro fertlizatoin had embroyees stored at the Center of Reproductive…
I do remember hearing about this at the time but had not seen the footnote in Judge Engoron’s fraud against Trump judgement. As you read this, note the irony between…
Can you believe that Ken Paxton has managed to keep from having his criminal trial on securities fraud from taking place for almost NINE YEARS???? ACTIVE INDICTMENT! And yet, Republicans…
WFAA Parents upset after Keller ISD trustees brought an Evangelist film crew into schools and filmed students Sandi Walker, a school board trustee brought an Evangelical-based film crew into the…
Presidential Greatness Project President Lincoln, not surprisingly, is at #1, FDR is #2, Washington #3 Teddy Roosevelt #4. President Obama is #7, President Biden is #14 and dead last among…
RULING- PDF You know what’s coming next. Con Man Trump looking to grift from the suckers by whining that it was all a witchhunt. But now, just in the last…
2 Questions I want to talk about here. Is there an actual invasion of Texas or is this some fear-mongering political garbage that Greg Abbott and Republicans have ginned up?…
Video for Yellow Viking amendment abatement Items 2 and 3. Christy Covey on primary elections, also updating and replacing display pertaining to the elections department. Item 5 DISCUSS/TAKE ACTION ON…